

Cremation Services

The biggest misconception about cremation services is that there can’t be a funeral service or visitation. This is absolutely not the case—when you choose to care for the physical remains through cremation services, we encourage you to consider holding a memorial service as well.

When someone passes away, it is a time of mourning and honoring their life. You can provide people with the opportunity to say goodbye through one final viewing before the cremation or you may choose for there to be an event service either before or after cremation occurs. Either way, they will have been given due respect in this difficult time by those who care about them most dearly!

Dale Ranck Cremation Funeral Care Funeral And Cremation Services

Cremation Services

Why choose cremation services? The answer is simple. With a funeral, there are many details that need to be considered and planned out before you can say goodbye forever - from choosing an embalming process or casket style all the way down to selecting where inurnment will take place (in most cases). It's difficult enough as it stands; handling these decisions on top of everything else can make planning your final arrangements feel like too much work!

Cremation services offer more freedom than traditional funerals because there is no need for embalming or caskets and the whole process only takes a few hours to finish. For those who have been considering cremation for their loved one, the decision might be easier now than ever.

Cremation services are a great way to memorialize your loved one. Cemeteries typically charge high fees for burial plots, and some people may not have enough money or space in their yard for an earth trench grave site - which means they must rent additional lot(s) from another person who has extra land available. With cremation urns it's easy & convenient because you can keep the ashes close by without any need of renting/ buying more property!

There are many options for the disposition of your loved one's final remains. You could scatter them, bury them in a cemetery or cremation garden, keep their ashes at home, and share with family members who live too far away to visit the site regularly-or even create something beautiful from those ashes like jewelry!

Here are some of the most usual choices for your loved one’s final disposition:

  • Interment means that you’ll bury or entomb your loved one’s cremated remains. This can be in the family plot, a memorial site, a cremation niche or urn garden, or in a variety of other indoor and outdoor locations. Ask our staff for a detailed list of interment possibilities.

  • Graveside Services are similar to those celebrated alongside a traditional ground burial, in which loved ones are present at the burial of the cremated remains and honor the deceased through memorial prayers or other meaningful tributes.

  • Scattering allows you to spread your loved one’s cremated remains in a memorial garden, a cemetery, over water, or across any other meaningful site. You can also choose to scatter some of the cremated remains and retain the rest in an urn for interment or another form of disposition.

  • Placing cremated remains in multiple urns allows family members who are separated by distance to each feel the comfort of having their loved one’s final resting place in a nearby location.

Cost of Cremation

At Heffner Funeral Chapel & Crematory, Inc., we offer cremation packages to assist families with planning a personalized cremation tribute. You may opt to customize a cremation arrangement or cremation services that will suit your family’s personal preferences and budget. Our cremation packages are as follows:

  • Select or Self-Directed Cremation Tribute - starting at $6,375

  • Contemporary Cremation Tribute - starting at $11,075

  • Classic Cremation Tribute - starting at $13,175

You can download a copy of our cremation packages here. Our services are 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.

For more information and details about our cremation services, give us a call or visit one of our facilities today. We are available 24/7.

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